FormHelperTrait::addWarning() should use '#theme' => 'status_messages' rather than output raw markup

Created on 30 January 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 8 February 2023, over 1 year ago


At the time of writing, FormHelperTrait::addWarning() contains this which creates a warning message manually via raw markup and directly attaches the Classy message library.

  protected function addWarning($message, $tokens) {
    $warning = $this->t($message, $tokens);
    $this->form()['warning'] = [
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#weight' => -10,
      '#markup' => Markup::create("
        <div class='messages messages--warning'>
    $this->form()['#attached']['library'][] = 'classy/messages';
    return $this;

This is both unnecessary and prevents the expected Drupal rendering, alter hooks/preprocess, and other things correctly interacting with it. Additionally, the Classy theme is deprecated in Drupal 9.5 and removed in Drupal 10 β†’ .

Steps to reproduce

Try to apply any customizations (e.g. preprocess) to warning messages; they won't be applied to the warning message FormHelperTrait::addWarning() creates. Run this on Drupal 10 without the contrib Classy installed; the status message will no longer have the expected styling.

A minor example on Drupal 9.5 using Claro without the change:

Notice the icon is not placed where it should be and not the correct Claro icon.

With the change:

Notice that it now uses the correct Claro icon and positions it where it should be.

Proposed resolution

In #3008741-5: Fix readonly notice message styling β†’ for the Read only mode module, I changed a similar markup output to '#theme' => 'status_messages' which follows Drupal best practices and allows current and future modules and themes to behave as expected.

Remaining tasks

Do the above.

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πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada Ambient.Impact Toronto

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