Jumps to wrong headline, when the text is the same

Created on 27 January 2023, about 2 years ago


1. When I create some content with different headlines (h1, h2, h3..) but the same text in headlines and use table of contents, it always jumps to the first headline.
2. Also number-list of headlines shows correct in CKeditor but wrong on the page.
3. When I try to align table of contents to the right, it adds a class but does not add styles.

Steps to reproduce

  • Crease some content with different headlines but the same text in headlines.
  • Use table of contents button
  • Try to right-alight table of contents and save
  • Go to the page, click on the last headline, you should see that it jumps to the first one
  • You should see that class for right-align is added but there are no styles
  • You can see the wrong numbering of the headline-list

Proposed resolution

1. I think it checks a text inside of the link and not the headline tag, that's why, if the text of headlines is the same but the tag is different, it always works buggy and jumps to the first headline.
2. Maybe some styles should be added because there is no information if it uses bootstrap or something else.
3.Inside of CKeditor it shows correctly because 'before' pseudo-element is used. I see it differently on the page

🐛 Bug report






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🇩🇪Germany Svitlana

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