Left Nav Menu Item Not Highlighting based on click

Created on 26 January 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 14 February 2023, over 1 year ago

Left Nav in Redoc UI View is not Highlighting/Updating based on Click of Nav Item

When we Click a Nav Item, the exact clicked Nav Item is not highlighted but the one above it gets highlighted. Also the URL parts points to the Nav Item one above it. In case of multi tags the one clicked doesn't expand.

Steps to reproduce

Go to any API Doc Details page with Redoc UI view and try toc click any Nav Item. The one clicked will neither expand nor highlight.

ReDoc for OpenAPI UI: 8.x-1.0-rc4
Drupal: 9.2.8
PHP: 7.4.20

🐛 Bug report



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Created by

🇮🇳India samhaldia

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  • Issue created by @samhaldia
  • 🇮🇳India samhaldia

    On inevestigaion found Drupal Core applying those changes to HTML DOM Element, which disrupted the behavior of Left Nav menu in API Doc rendering

    There are other Jquery's with similar effect to HTML DOM Element:


    displace.offsets.top +
    (this.stickyVisible ? this.$stickyTable.height() : 0),

    this.$html.css('scroll-padding-top', displace.offsets.top + (this.stickyVisible ? this.$stickyTable.height() : 0));
    The Drupal Core Jquery affecting or applying the *scroll-padding-top to HTML DOM element in actual is:*


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