- πΊπΈUnited States jmouse888
We ran into the same issue. Yes, the query should be rewritten to accommodate both uuid (charvar) and id (int). As a short-term solution, I just converted (with the CAST operator "::") the nid from the {node} table from int to charvar so the "=" operator will work as intended.
around line 75 in src/Plugin/views/filter/FancyFileDeleteOrphanFileFilter.php
AS fu ON (fm.fid = fu.fid) LEFT OUTER JOIN {node} AS n ON (fu.id = n.nid)
AS fu ON (fm.fid = fu.fid) LEFT OUTER JOIN {node} AS n ON (fu.id = n.nid::character varying)
I also created a patch. This will not resolve the uuid orphan query. However, with the majority of the file attached to nodes on our site, this will work fine for the time being.