- πͺπΈSpain sjamate
Any solutions?, I am blocked trying to solve it..
- πΈπ¦Saudi Arabia abdulaziz zaid Riyadh
Try version 1.0.2 I think it works with drupal 8.
- Status changed to Closed: outdated
over 1 year ago 1:28pm 22 May 2023
TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Drupal\email_tfa\EventSubscriber\EmailTfaSubscriber::emailTfaRedirection() must be an instance of Drupal\email_tfa\EventSubscriber\RequestEvent, instance of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\GetResponseEvent given en Drupal\email_tfa\EventSubscriber\EmailTfaSubscriber->emailTfaRedirection() (lΓnea 134 de /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/email_tfa/src/EventSubscriber/EmailTfaSubscriber.php)
Install module email_tfa in a D8 website. I have installed it in others D9 websites and I hadn this problem,
Closed: outdated
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Any solutions?, I am blocked trying to solve it..
Try version 1.0.2 I think it works with drupal 8.