Can't select the HighMaps View Style from the Style Model. Clicking Apply causes a silent fail and does not close the style selector model and an error is logged in the web tools console.
Here is the error in the console:
{ "message": "\nAn AJAX HTTP error occurred.\nHTTP Result Code: 200\nDebugging information follows.\nPath: /admin/structure/views/ajax/display/district_data_drilldown/default/style\nStatusText: OK\nResponseText: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'static' (T_STATIC) in Composer\\Autoload\\includeFile() (line 239 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/charts_highcharts_maps/src/Plugin/views/style/HighMapsPluginStyleChart.php).", "name": "AjaxError" }
Create a view and try to select HighMaps as the view style.
Click Apply
Spinner briefly spins and the goes away and error is logged in web console.
User interface
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It's likely this issue predates some issue and comment data are missing.
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