File entity is not deleting when Media entity is deleting

Created on 30 December 2022, over 1 year ago
Updated 8 February 2023, over 1 year ago


When an asset is unreleased in widen and unpublished in CMS Media is getting deleted but the File entity and its Physical file not getting deleted.

if asset doesn't exist in widen it should be deleted automatically irrespective of Media status in CMS.

Steps to reproduce

Create an asset in widen sync that to CMS, Now unrelease that asset in widen. try to sync that asset into CMS.
First time it will get unpublished if you resync again then it will delete only the Media entity. File Entity remains same.

if you delete an asset in widen which is synced to CMS. If the asset is in published state it is not getting deleted,

Proposed resolution

All the references should be deleted related to widen asset in CMS
if asset is deleted it should delete its references in CMS irrespective of Media status.

🐛 Bug report

Closed: works as designed





Created by

🇮🇳India chakkche

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  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed over 1 year ago
  • 🇺🇸United States mglaman WI, USA

    We shouldn't be doing this, it's a Drupal thing.


    Use this module instead to achieve the functionality:

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