Stable9 override the material_base templates

Created on 27 December 2022, almost 2 years ago
Updated 24 January 2024, 11 months ago


This one broke my site.

Steps to reproduce

Seems like the chain of the theming should be (the order of the base):

My Custom Theme(Material Top) -> Material Base MDC -> Material Base -> Material Stable 9

But since we moved Material Stable 9 into the material_base folder(issue 3316641), when Drupal looks for a template, it will find the material_stable9 version of it. Effectively not using material_base templates at all (since material_stable9 has all)

The Drupal process is here:

$files = \Drupal::service('file_system')->scanDirectory($path, $regex, ['key' => 'filename']);

This function gets invoked for all enabled themes (as it should), and scan blindly the entire directory for html.twig files.

For example:
Trying to render: menu-local-tasks.html.twig:
1st version: material_base/templates/navigation/menu-local-tasks.html.twig
2nd version (overrides the first) material_base/themes/material_stable9/templates/navigation/menu-local-tasks.html.twig

So when this function get's invoked the first time with material_stable9 it will correctly return the 2nd version.
But the second time, when invoked against material_base it will mistakingly still returns the 2nd version.
Essentially when your active theme search this template up the base themes tree, we only get the material_stable9 version.

Proposed resolution

I'm not sure what the solution should be here.

As a quick workaround, we have copied the entire templates directory into our own theme.
cp -a material_base/templates ../custom/material_top

Remaining tasks

Code/Documentation change

If I'm missing something, and I mess something up during the upgrade from 2.x-beta to 2.0 , please let me know.

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

🐛 Bug report

Closed: works as designed





Created by

🇮🇱Israel jkdev

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  • 🇮🇱Israel jkdev

    Since upgrading to Drupal 10, re-surface the issue,
    The only simple solution was to get the material_stable9 out of material_base.

    mv web/themes/contrib/material_base/themes/material_stable9 web/themes/contrib

    there was a small issue with normalize library.
    in web/themes/contrib/material_stable9/ it was:
    core/normalize: stable/normalize
    it should be:
    core/normalize: stable9/normalize

  • 🇬🇪Georgia iamdroid

    Hi @jkdev,

    Have you tried to update to v3 ?

    material_stable9 theme had been removed from dependencies in favor of core's stable9. Hope it helps.

  • 🇮🇱Israel jkdev

    Will give v3 a try.

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