Create Open Jobs View

Created on 14 December 2022, almost 2 years ago
Updated 25 January 2023, over 1 year ago


Need to create Open Jobs View

Steps to reproduce

Create View with name: Open Jobs
Set Format view: Grid
Set Path: /open-jobs/
Set access: By role - Manager, Admin
Filter criteria: Content: Published

Add next fields:
1) ID - Content ID
2) Date Added - created
3) Title - Title field
4) Description - field_ats_job_description
5) Status - field_ats_job_status
6) Job Type - field_ats_job_type
7) Organization - field_ats_job_organization
8) Address - Join Country, State, City fields from field_ats_job_address

Also need to add exposed filters(Ajax) for:
1) Date Added(date picker),
2) Title(autocomplete),
3) Status(Select list),
4) Job Type(Select list),
5) Organization(Select list),
6) Employee Type(Select list)
7) City(autocomplete)
8) State(autocomplete)
9) Country(autocomplete)

πŸ“Œ Task






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine a.novolokov Kharkiv

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