While writing an example, there are many annoying stuff inherited from the render API.
Of course, the core idea of this module is to build render array in the YML, but we may need shortcuts which are resolved by ui_examples before sent to the render API.
Issue: html_tag allows only strings in #value, so we need to create "fake" keys
"#type": html_tag
"#tag": div
"#type": pattern
"#id": button_group
"#type": html_tag
"#tag": small
"#value": 9 mins
Proposal: a #element key with a #content key
"#element": div
- "#type": pattern
"#id": button_group
- "#element": small
"#value": 9 mins
Issue: styles from ui_styles are not declared in #attributes which is the resolved form.
"#type": pattern
"#id": jumbotron
- text-center
Proposal: introduce a #style property:
"#type": pattern
"#id": jumbotron
- text-center
Issue: component from ui_patterns needs to be written in the developed form (with #fields & #settings) instead of the compact form, to be understood by the render API
"#type": pattern
"#id": carousel
with_indicators: true
with_controls: true
slides: {}
captions: {}
Proposal: introduce a #pattern property which accept the compact form:
"#pattern": carousel
with_indicators: true
with_controls: true
slides: {}
captions: {}