QueueInterface::createItem() specifies
* @return
* A unique ID if the item was successfully created and was (best effort)
* added to the queue, otherwise FALSE. We don't guarantee the item was
* committed to disk etc, but as far as we know, the item is now in the
* queue.
We currently only return TRUE or FALSE.
To my knowledge at the moment there is no way as part of the submit process to get an actual ID back (such a process would significantly slow RabbitMQ ingest rates and is likely why it has not be implemented)
We could create a UUID as part of the process and submit this as a message_id header to RabbitMQ which would allow us to return a value, .
None anticipated.
None anticipated.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
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