- 🇩🇪Germany cweiske
We use webform_config_ignore to not run into problems when deploying code to a test/stage/production system that has changed webform configuration in the database.
Our process is:
- Get a new database dump from live
- Import it locally
- Import the local configuration that is committed into git
- Export the (webform) changes and commit it to git, so that we have the current state in version control
This would break when the export would ignore webforms completely. So I'm on bburg's side, and would like to keep the current behavior.
- 🇺🇸United States robpowell Boston
I'll add that I agree with the OP and this is how I expected it to work. Ignoring config should do just that, ignore them fully. In terms of a patch approach to provide this functionality, we could have a config option that a user could opt in to fully ignore the config.
- 🇮🇳India manishvaity
HI everyone,
we are also facing issue in drupal 10 and drupal 11.
- First commit to issue fork.
- 🇺🇦Ukraine dlevchik
Tested this issue on Drupal 10.4.1, config_filter 1.13, webform_config_ignore 1.3, drush 13.3.3
Installed the modules, exported the configs. Created a few new webforms, changed the default 'Contact' one. Drush cex says "The active configuration is identical to the configuration in the export directory"
Maybe I missed some step here? Can't seem to reproduce the issue