- 🇨🇭Switzerland miro_dietiker Switzerland
Yes, i agree, in the most basic initial translation process, simply excluding them is great.
However note that they can easily get outdated. And then they would need another translation cycle.
TMGMT is not too helpful in supporting evolving items currently.. - 🇨🇭Switzerland berdir Switzerland
Strongly considering to accept this without configuration options. We already ignore everything translated through TMGMT like this (anything that is in any kind of job, active or not).
Might also include it in ✨ Suggestions for embedded entities Needs review and close this as duplicate as it will conflict, as that will cause the number of suggestions to explode for everyone using paragraphs with medias and similar references.
- 🇪🇸Spain ajfernandez Spain
Hello everyone.
I am having the same problem in a project. I have applied the MR code in my project and can confirm that it works correctly.
Perhaps, as @berdir comments, it would be more complete by adding some configuration setting in the module to enable this functionality, or perhaps even at the translation job level, to decide whether to apply this configuration individually in each translation job.