Allow custom HTTP exception types to specify `source.[pointer|parameter]` in error response

Created on 7 August 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 9 October 2023, over 1 year ago


JSON:API module provides a number of customized normalizers for exception types which return a JSON pointer to the offending data in the request object. E.g., EntityAccessDeniedHttpExceptionNormalizer and UnprocessableHttpEntityExceptionNormalizer.

In my case, I wish to control access to particular Search API fields (I'm revealing them using jsonapi_search_api) and return a 402 Payment Required response to hint the client side to tell the user which fields are premium/access controlled.

Because of the class structures of Cacheable*HttpException and their underlying Symfony HTTP exception classes, there's no way to use one of the existing exception types b/c I can't override the status code, and they expect a certain shape of the underlying exception to create the JSON pointer data in the source error response property. Additionally, my source values are parameter, since they're specified in the query string.

I can create my own CacheablePaymentRequiredHttpException class, which is normalized by the basic HttpExceptionNormalizer, but it has no built-in method to include source data in the resulting normalization/json:api error response.

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11.0 πŸ”₯


Last updated 8 days ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bradjones1 Digital Nomad Life

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    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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    Environment: PHP 8.2 & MySQL 8
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  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States bradjones1 Digital Nomad Life

    Error is a bit hidden in the GitLab CI output, but here it is:

    ---- Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Unit\Normalizer\HttpExceptionNormalizerTest ----
    Status    Group      Filename          Line Function                            
    [33mException Other      phpunit-365.xml      0 Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Unit\Normalize
    [0m    PHPUnit Test failed to complete; Error: PHPUnit 9.6.8 by Sebastian Bergmann
        and contributors.
        Testing Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Unit\Normalizer\HttpExceptionNormalizerTest
        E                                                                   1 / 1
        Time: 00:00.114, Memory: 6.00 MB
        There was 1 error:
        Undefined array key "source"
        Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Errors: 1.
    [31mFail      run-tests. Unknown              0 Unknown                            
    [0m    FATAL Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Unit\Normalizer\HttpExceptionNormalizerTest:
        test runner returned a non-zero error code (2).
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