- 🇩🇪Germany gngn
Issue 🐛 Fix check on the user permission for vocabulary on select switcher vocabulary Fixed proposes the exact same patch as above.
Since that one is already Reviewed & tested I am closing this issue here.
The taxonomy manager overview page (/admin/structure/taxonomy_manager/voc, route taxonomy_manager.admin) checks if the user has permission to create terms in each vocabulary and only offers those links.
But the dropdown in the toolbar offers all vocabularies (TaxonomyManagerForm).
Check permission to create terms in each vocabulary.
Closed: duplicate
User interface
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Fix check on the user permission for vocabulary on select switcher vocabulary
proposes the exact same patch as above.
Since that one is already Reviewed & tested I am closing this issue here.