While reviewing metatag/schematag information - content types were not showing associated page image. Checking the header information confirmed there was no meta property. Expected was (EG):
meta property="og:image" content="http://local.site/sites/default/files/styles/content_image/public/2021-04/drupal-ams.png?itok=5KpR2_6C" />
but there was no value. Checking the Metatags, indeed the content type has no token string assigned. However, since the field is inside a paragraph, I am unsure how to assign the default page image.
One reference shows a basic default of:
[node:field_content_image:entity:field_media_image:entity:url] as an example. I attempted to parse the correct string syntax and could not get a functional variation that works on all my 'basic' content types. All basic pages have a default image and I'm hoping to take advantage of that with social media sharing etc. Can you give an example of a working reference?
Closed: works as designed
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.