The following error occurs when using adv_varnish in combination with the domains module:
Circular reference detected for service "domain.route_provider", path: "options_request_listener -> domain.route_provider -> cache_tags.invalidator -> adv_vanish.cache_manager -> router -> router.no_access_checks".
Enable the domain_config module in combination with adv_varnish
The issue resides in the domains module service domain_config.overrider in combination with the adv_varnish adv_vanish.cache_manager service.
Currently I've created a patch to solve the circular dependancy on the adv_varnish side, as the domain module is almost not fixable because of the tagging implementation.
Looking into the correct location of the fix, does it need to reside in the adv_varnish or the domain module.
Needs review
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