This module depends upon the core Image module, however a dependency is not declared. When installing the module without the Image module already installed, an error is thrown:
The "image" plugin does not exist. V
alid plugin IDs for Drupal\Core\Fiel
d\FieldTypePluginManager are: commen
t, datetime, daterange, entity_refer
ence_revisions, file, file_uri, font
awesome_icon, layout_section, link,
list_float, list_integer, list_strin
g, path, redirect_source, remote_ima
ge, text, text_long, text_with_summa
ry, boolean, changed, created, decim
al, email, entity_reference, float,
integer, language, map, password, st
ring, string_long, timestamp, uri, u
Trying to then uninstall the module results in the following error:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view
not found: 1146 Table 'db.website_fe
edback' doesn't exist: SELECT "base_
table"."id" AS "id", "base_table"."i
d" AS "base_table_id"
"website_feedback" "base_table"
Note: if you are stuck in this loop, manually create the table webform_feedback
(it just has to exist, it doesn't need any columns or content), then uninstall the module. Install the image module, then re-install this module.
Steps to reproduce
1) Ensure the Image module is NOT enabled
2) Enable this module with Drush
3) Observe the error
4) Try to uninstall the module with Drush
5) Observe the next error
Proposed resolution
Add a dependency on the core image module.