I'm getting a php notice on every query:
Notice: Array to string conversion in Drupal\jsonapi_search_api_facets\Plugin\facets\url_processor\JsonApiQueryString->buildUrls() (line 198)
Steps to reproduce
You must enable "Use hierarchy" on a facet.
I have a flat taxonomy and a hierarchical taxonomy tree (two levels) that I'm using for facets. I have enabled "Use hierarchy" on the second facet (in a roundabout way via config since the Facets module doesn't like anything else enabling this).
It technically works but I get php notices. I chased down the line and it seems the module is doing an array_diff on a multidimensional array.
// line 198
$filter_params = array_diff($filter_params, [$id]);
In my case, my $filter_params looks like this:
{"landscape":["Beach Communities","Lake Communities","Mountain Communities"],"region":["173","161"]}
My query looks like this:[landscape_filter][condition][path]=landscape&filter[landscape_filter][condition][operator]=IN&filter[landscape_filter][condition][value][0]=Beach Communities&filter[landscape_filter][condition][value][1]=Lake Communities&filter[region_filter][condition][path]=region&filter[region_filter][condition][operator]=IN&filter[region_filter][condition][value][0]=173&filter[region_filter][condition][value][1]=161