- 🇮🇳India sathishkumar.k
#8 patch was not working for me. There is any solution for this bug, Drupal 10 also getting this error in translation page.
In a multilingual installation, in all languages except the main one, the help text "all languages" is displayed incorrectly, with the html tags visible.
Install a multilingual Drupal, add paragraphs and edit the translation of a node.
To solve this, you have to modify the title variable in the addTranslatabilityClue() method of InlineParagraphsWidget.php and add the "#markup" key to it.
Needs work
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
#8 patch was not working for me. There is any solution for this bug, Drupal 10 also getting this error in translation page.