- 🇮🇹Italy trickfun
I fix the patch.
Some wrong if conditions preventing save messages into mail safety table. - 🇧🇪Belgium flyke
I can conform this works on 8.x-1.2
- Apply patch
- Clear caches (drush cr)
- Visit Settings > System > Mailer (/admin/config/system/mailer)
- Edit *All* (/admin/config/system/mailer/policy/_)
- From the dropdown, select 'Mail Safety' and add it - 🇸🇪Sweden agogo
Thanks for the patch! Also works with 2.0. (#13)
A small note is that the patch forces all mails to not be sent when not using a/the default mail address by setting setTransportDsn as null. I had to make a copy of the patch and remove that part (+ the setReplyTo setting that is there for some reason).
- 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany
Thanks for the patch, it is a valuable POC. Also for #15.
The adjuster approach has the downside though, that i must add an adjuster.
What i want as a site owner is sth like a simple config override setting to set in all dev environments and when i see that setting, i have no fear that a customer gets an ouch mail (which is the promise of this module).
Maybe leveraging hook_mailer_alter helps here.
- 🇩🇪Germany geek-merlin Freiburg, Germany
Feedback from AdamPS (Maintainer of Drupal Symfony Mailer) in the related issue:
The patch on #3267796: No mail with symfony_mailer seems like the wrong approach - as you say it requires adding an adjuster. Presumably the module previously used hook_mail_alter() and it should now use the new hooks and throw a SkipSending.