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over 1 year ago PHPLint Failed - @secretsayan opened merge request.
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over 1 year ago 40 pass - last update
over 1 year ago 40 pass
EntityReferenceRevisionsItem::preSave() currently hard-codes the following:
$is_affected = !$this->getFieldDefinition()->isTranslatable() || ($host instanceof TranslatableRevisionableInterface && $host->hasTranslationChanges());
if ($is_affected && !$host->isNew() && $this->entity && $this->entity->getEntityType()->get('entity_revision_parent_id_field')) {
if ($host->isNewRevision()) {
$needs_save = TRUE;
My proposal is to move this to a policy pattern, similar to how Drupal core's page_cache_response_policy
service works. It's a chained policy service that invokes each registered policy, and if any policy says to deny, then the response is not cached in the page cache.
Similarly, ERR could introduce a entity_reference_revisions.revision_creation_policy
service that chains to registered policies, and if any policy says to create a new revision, then the chained policy says to create a new revision. The above code could then be changed to:
if (\Drupal::service('entity_reference_revisions.revision_creation_policy')->shouldCreateNewRevision($this)) {
$needs_save = TRUE;
By default, ERR could register a CompositeEntityReferencedByNewHostRevisionViaUntranslatableReference
policy that does:
class CompositeEntityReferencedByNewHostRevisionViaUntranslatableReference implements RevisionCreationPolicyInterface {
function shouldCreateNewRevision(EntityReferenceRevisionsItem $item) {
$host = $this->getEntity();
if (
// A composite entity
$this->entity && $this->entity->getEntityType()->get('entity_revision_parent_id_field') &&
// Referenced by a new host revision
!$host->isNew() && $host->isNewRevision() &&
// Via an untranslatable reference
) {
return TRUE;
and a CompositeEntityReferencedByNewHostRevisionWithTranslationChanges
policy that does:
class CompositeEntityReferencedByNewHostRevisionWithTranslationChanges implements RevisionCreationPolicyInterface {
function shouldCreateNewRevision(EntityReferenceRevisionsItem $item) {
$host = $this->getEntity();
if (
// A composite entity
$this->entity && $this->entity->getEntityType()->get('entity_revision_parent_id_field') &&
// Referenced by a new host revision
!$host->isNew() && $host->isNewRevision() &&
// With translation changes
$host instanceof TranslatableRevisionableInterface && $host->hasTranslationChanges()
) {
return TRUE;
The combination of these 2 policies would implement that same behavior as is currently hard-coded within preSave(), so would be backwards compatible. But a new module could remove one or both of these policies and instead add a different policy for handling the last item within the Problem/Motivation section.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.