Allow specific Roles to override module permissions

Created on 3 February 2022, about 3 years ago
Updated 7 January 2024, about 1 year ago


I'm facing a problem that may be solved by this module... if it had a bit more granularity in permissions management. :)
It would be nice if there was a permission to allow specific Roles (Content Manager, Site Manager, etc) to actually override the module's settings, allowing those specific Roles to assign multiple Roles to users.

Feature request

Postponed: needs info





Created by

🇧🇪Belgium Axael

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  • 🇭🇰Hong Kong gulab.bisht

    @Axael can you provide more details on the feature.
    What should happen if a user with only permission to assign single role edit a user with 2 roles.
    I would like to have more details so that this feature can be developed if required.

    Right now the sole purpose of this module is to restrict users to have only one role.

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