Suggestion for improved prompt in configuration: Activating for form ids

Created on 20 January 2022, about 3 years ago
Updated 27 January 2023, about 2 years ago


I had trouble trying to activate the module for the form/page where users update their passwords eg
Eventually I tracked the issue down to my having a space after the comma, eg "user_login_form, user_form".

Steps to reproduce

In the module configuration, enter multiple form ids with a comma and space between them.
The module will not activate for the desired second form.

Proposed resolution

While this was obviously my error, a change to the prompt for the field may have seen me fix this earlier, perhaps "Please enter the form id(s) by separating it with a comma. Ensure there are no spaces between form ids."

It could also be helpful to provide common form ids in this prompt:
Other common forms are "user_form" for when users are changing their password, and "user_register_form" for setting password while registering.
These would help make a simple and useful module even easier to set up!

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🇳🇿New Zealand agt

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