Uninstall removes required modules, unable to reinstall

Created on 10 January 2022, about 3 years ago
Updated 27 June 2024, 9 months ago

I ran into issues when uninstalling w3css paragraphs.

Maybe due to this issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/w3css_paragraphs/issues/3257367 πŸ› notice when upgrading the site Fixed
the slideshow paragraph didn't work at all, the paragraph setting windows for slideshow and slideshow section were completely empty.
So I would try to remove W3CSS paragraphs completely and try to reinstall from the new version.

So I ticked the uninstall on the W3CSS slideshow module first and tried uninstall.
I got no error.

So I ran cron, emptied the cache and tried to re-install that paragraph.
That wasn't possible because there were existing config items for that paragraph in the database.

Then I thought, maybe the update.php script would remove them, but when I ran update.php it complained about a missing module: viewsreference which is required.

I then uninstalled the whole of W3CSS, before removing it also via composer, but it also uninstalled field_group, which is also a required module.

I'm not sure where the problem exactly is.
Maybe the module uninstall allows for removal, but the individual paragraphs still require the modules.

I got also several cases of "unexpected error" while dabbing in the above.
Re-installing the required modules via composer solved the problem.

Despite the modules being uninstalled, the paragraph types remain.
So I deleted the individual paragraphs by hand from the paragraph types list.
This took way longer than it should and for some reason CPU usage skyrocketed, I ended up overclocking the CPU and running fans at 100% to get it done faster, lol.

ok, paragraphs gone, modules uninstalled, cron ran, update.php ran, composer update (nothing to update).

I am using 1.0.x-dev

Then I try re-installing all W3CSS paragraphs. All install ok, but 2 paragraphs produce errors:

Unable to install W3CSS Paragraphs Parallax, core.entity_view_display.media.w3css_media_image.w3css_media_view_parallax, core.entity_view_mode.media.w3css_media_view_parallax already exist in active configuration.

Unable to install W3CSS Paragraphs Slideshow, field.storage.paragraph.w3css_content_slideshow_body, field.storage.paragraph.w3css_content_slideshow_section, field.storage.paragraph.w3css_content_slideshow_title already exist in active configuration.

So I used the lifesaver module "config_delete" and deleted the above config items.


1- the parallax paragraph refused to install:

Unable to install W3CSS Paragraphs Parallax due to unmet dependencies: core.entity_view_display.media.w3css_media_image.w3css_media_view_parallax (field.field.media.w3css_media_image.w3css_media_image, media.type.w3css_media_image), field.field.paragraph.w3css_parallax_section.w3css_content_image (media.type.w3css_media_image)

2- the slideshow paragraph installed "successfully", but put the site in an "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later." unrecoverable state

So it would appear these 2 paragraphs have issues in the install/uninstall process

(sorry for the long post, I spent a good portion of my afternoon on this)

in the log, the "unexpected error" is:
[10-Jan-2022 17:14:45 Asia/Bangkok] Error: Call to a member function getLabel() on null in C:\wamp64\www\***\web\core\modules\layout_builder\src\Plugin\Derivative\FieldBlockDeriver.php on line 113 #0 C:\wamp64\www\***\web\core\lib\Drupal\Component\Plugin\Discovery\DerivativeDiscoveryDecorator.php(101): Drupal\layout_builder\Plugin\Derivative\FieldBlockDeriver->getDerivativeDefinitions(Array)

✨ Feature request






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