Rule to send email don't work (with Scheduler rules trigger)

Created on 31 December 2021, about 3 years ago
Updated 23 April 2024, 11 months ago

I can't send an email with Scheduler rules

Steps to reproduce

1- Define a publication date on a node.
1- Create a new reaction rule with the 'After a node has been published by Scheduler' trigger.
2- Add a condition : Node type is article...
3- Add an action : Send email
3- Start cron

After the cron is launched, the node keep the unpublished status and the email is not sent. I also get this error:
"Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException : Parameter "node" for route "entity.node.canonical" must match "\d+"..."

I can use a default rule trigger for this task (with a check on the status value changed/unchanged). But, in my opinion, it's easier to use the scheduler rules.

Can you give me a simple example to send email after that a node is published?

Thanks for your help.

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Scheduler Rules Integration

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🇫🇷France kumkum29

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