More than one current revision

Created on 3 December 2021, about 3 years ago
Updated 17 January 2023, about 2 years ago

Our Drupal 9 system has started to run into intermittent issues where a node will display two current revisions on a node and the latest revision does not display.

Because the problem does not always happen it has been difficult to determine what triggers the issue.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Edit a node and Save
2. Drupal gives the the green success message that the node has been saved.
3. The changes aren't reflected when viewing the supposedly updated node.
4. the Editor checks revisions there are two revisions marked as Current but the previous revision is the one displaying.

The editor expects the changes have been saved and will display but instead sees the content of the previous revision. The revision history lists the latest edit as though it has gone through successfully even though it is not displaying.

In the screenshot you can see that the two revisions set as 'Current' may have occurred days apart by different editors.

The nodes on this site are fairly built up and supported by modules, in particular we rely heavily on paragraphs (which are nested) which may be contributing. Any help with this would be appreciated.

We cleared the cache and everything sorts itself out, which is great. But editors don't have access to flush the cache and shouldn't need to (as is normally the case). Any ideas on what maybe be causing this to lag in updating?

🐛 Bug report

Closed: duplicate



Node system 

Last updated 9 days ago

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🇨🇦Canada namscott

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