Add basic support for 'invisible' widget size

Created on 10 November 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 21 April 2023, almost 2 years ago


hCaptcha offers support for an invisible widget, which requires at least two things be done:

  1. Setting data-size='invisible' in the hcaptcha widget element.
  2. Some mechanism to call .execute() on the hcaptcha widget, right before the form is submitted.

Proposed resolution

Implement basic support for 'invisible' widget by:

  1. Allowing to set the widget size as 'invisible'
  2. Adding JS to intercept submissions for forms using the invisible widget, which must fetch the hcaptcha response, set it in the proper form input and then let the normal submission flow proceed.

Remaining tasks

  1. Implement
  2. Review and discuss
  3. Test

User interface changes

  1. The widget size select now includes the 'invisible' option

API changes


Data model changes


Feature request

Needs review





Created by

🇨🇴Colombia jedihe

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