Your article content is being very much interested, I am very impressed with your post. I hope to receive more great posts. Doctor Site Invisalign
I would like to request if possible, to add commenting for views (views page specifically). It would be quite interactive to be able to create a views page that allows users to comment about that views page itself instead of on the individual nodes contained in the view. This would be quite a useful tool in drupal as it would allow collaborations on node collections and more.
Admin creates content type "books I like" and a view to showcase any users list of books. User A creates nodes with book titles and all the nodes that user A created are displayed as a html list using views. User B visits the page containing user A's list and leaves a comment about user A's list or taste in books.
Alternative Solutions
1. Allow for a views page content html to be exported/converted into a node. This way with one click a user can create a node from the data displayed by a view's page. This would mean view's content will be taken and copied to a "basic page" content type body field.
2. Convert views list into a forum topic.
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It's likely this issue predates some issue and comment data are missing.
Your article content is being very much interested, I am very impressed with your post. I hope to receive more great posts. Doctor Site Invisalign