Is there any more documentation on this topic? The Github link is broken, so there is just very little documentation available.
I need to authenticate to feeds with a token I get from the same IDP that I use to log in to Drupal itself. In this case, it is Keycloak, but more generally it could be OpenID connect.
So in order to get the token I need to do something like
$keycloak_configuration = \Drupal::config('openid_connect.settings.keycloak');
$keycloak_settings = $keycloak_configuration->get('settings');
$keycloak_base = $keycloak_settings['keycloak_base'];
$keycloak_realm = $keycloak_settings['keycloak_realm'];
$client_id = $keycloak_settings['client_id'];
$client_secret = $keycloak_settings['client_secret'];
$token_url = $keycloak_base . '/realms/' . $keycloak_realm . '/protocol/openid-connect/token';
$payload['grant_type'] = 'client_credentials';
$payload['client_id'] = $client_id;
$payload['client_secret'] = $client_secret;
$json = json_encode($payload);
$response = \Drupal::httpClient()->request(
'POST', $token_url, [ 'form_params' => $payload ]
In other words: Instead of assuming the auth token is constant, the module would look at the OpenID Connect (or maybe just Keycloak) settings to obtain the token on each request/as often as needed.
Do you think this makes sense to include in this module? Would the maintainer accept a patch if one came?
An option for supported OpenID Connect methods would be provided when configuring a feed.
Closed: works as designed
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Is there any more documentation on this topic? The Github link is broken, so there is just very little documentation available.