- πΊπΈUnited States minkahb
My IdP is sending the email address as a unique ID attribute.
When I go to admin/config/people/saml/authmap to map this, I enter in the email address and am able to find a user to map to.
When select "Apply", I see the message "Not configured to automatically link accounts", and when I exit admin/config/people/saml/authmap and sign back in, I see the values I entered where not saved.
My configuration is:
OS: CentOS 7
Drupal version : 9.5.3
samlauth version: version: '8.x-3.8'
PHP Version: 8.2.1
NGINX Version: nginx/1.22.1I enabled all the debugging options at admin/config/people/saml, but I am unsure if any of this is being logged. I checked these locations and didn't find anything:
/var/log/php-fpm/error.logI also checked /admin/reports/dblog, and don't see anything being logged here.
- πΊπΈUnited States minkahb
I am now able to see samlauth messages at /admin/reports/dblog.
The only message type I see is a debug message, and what's concerning is that when the SAML request is being sent, the User is Anonymous (not verified).
So I am going to follow that path of troubleshooting and this particular issue I raised can be closed.