- 🇮🇷Iran amir jamshidi
منم در انتخاب تاریخ در روز های 30 الی 31 اردیبهشت و 31 تیر و 31 شهریور با مشکل مواجه میشم
- 🇮🇷Iran amir jamshidi
I find problem in this file
/src/Element/CalendarSystemsDateList.php at line 37The date is received from the user as a jalali date (Lunar date), but it is treated as a Gregorian date and is validated before being converted to a jalali date.
Therefore, due to the invalid dates 2/30, 2/31, 4/31, 6/31 in the Gregorian date and the validation that after calling $date = DrupalDateTime::createFromArray($input, $timezone); It happens in line 37, the above dates cannot be recorded.
To solve this problem, I moved the date conversion that was in the lower parts of the code to before validation and the problem was solved.The new code is as follows.
<?php namespace Drupal\calendar_systems\Element; use Drupal; use Drupal\calendar_systems\CalendarSystems\CalendarSystemsDrupalDateTime; use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateHelper; use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime; use Drupal\Core\Datetime\Element\Datelist; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Exception; use function date_default_timezone_get; /** * @FormElement("datelist") */ class CalendarSystemsDateList extends Datelist { public static function valueCallback(&$element, $input, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $parts = $element['#date_part_order']; $increment = $element['#date_increment']; $date = NULL; if ($input !== FALSE) { $return = $input; if (empty(static::checkEmptyInputs($input, $parts))) { if (isset($input['ampm'])) { if ($input['ampm'] == 'pm' && $input['hour'] < 12) { $input['hour'] += 12; } elseif ($input['ampm'] == 'am' && $input['hour'] == 12) { $input['hour'] -= 12; } unset($input['ampm']); } $timezone = !empty($element['#date_timezone']) ? $element['#date_timezone'] : NULL; try { $calendar = _calendar_systems_factory($timezone, 'en'); $format=''; foreach ($input as $key => $part){ $key_format = match ($key) { 'day' => 'j', 'month' => 'n', 'year' => 'Y', 'hour' => in_array('ampm', $element['#date_part_order']) ? 'g' : 'G', 'minute' => 'i', 'second' => 's', 'ampm' => 'a', default => '', }; $format.=$key_format; } $format = implode(' ',str_split($format)); $ok = $calendar->parse(implode(" ", $input), $format); if (!$ok) { $form_state->setError($element, t('Selected combination of day and month is invalid.')); } else { $date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($calendar->getTimestamp(), $timezone); } } catch (Exception) { $form_state->setError($element, t('Selected combination of day and month is not valid.')); } if ($date instanceof DrupalDateTime && !$date->hasErrors()) { static::incrementRound($date, $increment); } } } else { $return = array_fill_keys($parts, ''); if (!empty($element['#default_value'])) { $date = $element['#default_value']; if ($date instanceof DrupalDateTime && !$date->hasErrors()) { static::incrementRound($date, $increment); foreach ($parts as $part) { $format = match ($part) { 'day' => 'j', 'month' => 'n', 'year' => 'Y', 'hour' => in_array('ampm', $element['#date_part_order']) ? 'g' : 'G', 'minute' => 'i', 'second' => 's', 'ampm' => 'a', default => '', }; $return[$part] = $date->format($format); } } } } // $timezone = $timezone ?? NULL; // $calendar = _calendar_systems_factory($timezone, 'en'); // if ($calendar && $date && $date->format('Y') < 1600) { // $ok = $calendar->parse($date->format('Y m d H i s'), 'Y m d H i s'); // if (!$ok) { // $form_state->setError($element, t('Selected combination of day and month is invalid.')); // } // else { // $date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($calendar->getTimestamp(), $timezone); // } // } $return['object'] = $date; return $return; } public static function processDatelist(&$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, &$complete_form): array { // The value callback has populated the #value array. $date = !empty($element['#value']['object']) ? $element['#value']['object'] : NULL; // Set a fallback timezone. if ($date instanceof DrupalDateTime) { $element['#date_timezone'] = $date->getTimezone()->getName(); } elseif (!empty($element['#timezone'])) { // pass } else { $element['#date_timezone'] = date_default_timezone_get(); } $cal = _calendar_systems_factory($element['#timezone'], 'en'); if (!$cal) { return parent::processDatelist($element, $form_state, $complete_form); } // $e_cal = _calendar_systems_factory($element['#timezone'], 'en', 'gregorian'); if ($date) { $date = CalendarSystemsDrupalDateTime::convert($date); } // Load translated date part labels from the appropriate calendar plugin. $date_helper = new DateHelper(); $element['#tree'] = TRUE; // Determine the order of the date elements. $order = !empty($element['#date_part_order']) ? $element['#date_part_order'] : [ 'year', 'month', 'day', ]; $text_parts = !empty($element['#date_text_parts']) ? $element['#date_text_parts'] : []; // Output multi-selector for date. foreach ($order as $part) { switch ($part) { case 'day': $options = $date_helper->days($element['#required']); $format = 'j'; $title = t('Day'); break; case 'month': $fac = _calendar_systems_factory(); $options = $fac->listOptions('monthNames', $element['#required']); $format = 'n'; $title = t('Month'); break; case 'year': $range = static::calendarSystemsDatetimeRangeYears($element['#date_year_range'], $date, $cal->getCalendarName()); $min = $range[0]; $max = $range[1]; $cal->setTimestamp(Drupal::time()->getRequestTime()); $rng = range( empty($min) ? intval($cal->format('Y') - 3) : $min, empty($max) ? ((int) $cal->format('Y')) + 3 : $max ); $rng = array_combine($rng, $rng); $options = !$element['#required'] ? ['' => ''] + $rng : $rng; $format = 'Y'; $title = t('Year'); break; case 'hour': $format = in_array('ampm', $element['#date_part_order']) ? 'g' : 'G'; $options = $date_helper->hours($format, $element['#required']); $title = t('Hour'); break; case 'minute': $format = 'i'; $options = $date_helper->minutes($format, $element['#required'], $element['#date_increment']); $title = t('Minute'); break; case 'second': $format = 's'; $options = $date_helper->seconds($format, $element['#required'], $element['#date_increment']); $title = t('Second', [], ['context' => 'timeperiod']); break; case 'ampm': $format = 'a'; $options = $date_helper->ampm($element['#required']); $title = t('AM/PM'); break; default: $format = ''; $options = []; $title = ''; } $default = isset($element['#value'][$part]) && trim($element['#value'][$part]) != '' ? $element['#value'][$part] : ''; $value = $date instanceof DrupalDateTime && !$date->hasErrors() ? $date->format($format) : $default; if (!empty($value) && $part != 'ampm') { $value = intval($value); } $element['#attributes']['title'] = $title; $element[$part] = [ '#type' => in_array($part, $text_parts) ? 'textfield' : 'select', '#title' => $title, '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#value' => $value, '#attributes' => $element['#attributes'], '#options' => $options, '#required' => $element['#required'], '#error_no_message' => FALSE, '#empty_option' => $title, ]; } // Allows custom callbacks to alter the element. if (!empty($element['#date_date_callbacks'])) { foreach ($element['#date_date_callbacks'] as $callback) { if (function_exists($callback)) { $callback($element, $form_state, $date); } } } return $element; } public static function calendarSystemsDatetimeRangeYears($string, $date, $calendar_name = ''): array { if ($calendar_name === 'gregorian') { return parent::datetimeRangeYears($string, $date); } $calendar = _calendar_systems_factory(NULL, 'en', $calendar_name); if (!$calendar) { return parent::datetimeRangeYears($string, $date); } // $datetime = new CalendarSystemsDrupalDateTime(); $this_year = $calendar->format('Y'); [$min_year, $max_year] = explode(':', $string); // Valid patterns would be -5:+5, 0:+1, 2008:2010. $plus_pattern = '@[\+|\-][0-9]{1,4}@'; $year_pattern = '@^[0-9]{4}@'; if (!preg_match($year_pattern, $min_year, $matches)) { if (preg_match($plus_pattern, $min_year, $matches)) { $min_year = ((int)$this_year) + ((int)$matches[0]); } else { $min_year = $this_year; } } else { try { $calendar->xSetDate($min_year, 1, 1); $min_year = $calendar->format('Y'); } catch (Exception) { $min_year = 0; } } if (!preg_match($year_pattern, $max_year, $matches)) { if (preg_match($plus_pattern, $max_year, $matches)) { $max_year = ((int)$this_year) + ((int)$matches[0]); } else { $max_year = $this_year; } } else { try { $calendar->xSetDate($max_year, 1, 1); $max_year = $calendar->format('Y'); } catch (Exception) { $max_year = 0; } } $min_year = intval($min_year); $max_year = intval($max_year); // We expect the $min year to be less than the $max year. Some custom values // for -99:+99 might not obey that. if ($min_year > $max_year) { $temp = $max_year; $max_year = $min_year; $min_year = $temp; } // If there is a current value, stretch the range to include it. if ($date instanceof DrupalDateTime) { $calendar->setTimestamp($date->getTimestamp()); $value_year = $calendar->format('Y'); } else { $value_year = ''; } if (!empty($value_year)) { $min_year = min(intval($value_year), $min_year); $max_year = max(intval($value_year), $max_year); } return [$min_year, $max_year]; } public static function datetimeRangeYears($string, $date = NULL) { return static::calendarSystemsDatetimeRangeYears($string, $date); } }
- 🇩🇪Germany hkoosha
Hi Amir!
Thanks for finding a solution. I'll try to release it in the up coming weeks.
I remember there was a lot of trouble knowing if a date was in Jalali or Gregorian during form submission and validations, basically we had to guess the format based on year being around 2000s (meaning it's Gregorian) or being around 1400 (being Jalali).
- 🇮🇷Iran amir jamshidi
hi #hkoosha →
I made some changes in the above code and edited it again
I had commented a part of the code that caused a wrong value (eg 720) in the year field when editing form submissions. While the information in the database was correct and the date was completely recorded there.I had commented on this part, but I removed it from the comment again
$calendar = _calendar_systems_factory($timezone, 'en'); if ($calendar && $date && $date->format('Y') < 1600) { $ok = $calendar->parse($date->format('Y m d H i s'), 'Y m d H i s'); if (!$ok) { $form_state->setError($element, t('Selected combination of day and month is invalid.')); } else { $date = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($calendar->getTimestamp(), $timezone); } }
Now the problem has changed, and now on the specified dates 2/30, 2/31, 4/31, and 6/31, the date is recorded correctly and the correct value is also placed in the database, but when editing the date of the next day It displays.
I checked the value $date = $element['#default_value']; which enters the valueCallback function, enters the wrong date value into this function. The conversion of Gregorian date to jalali date was done before calling this function, and I don't know where this happened, but the problem is there.