Paypal Pending > Capture Payment > 1 Error found: Amount

Created on 13 April 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 12 March 2024, 7 months ago

Error when trying to capture a pending payment

Steps to reproduce

Using Commerce PayPal Checkout with API i get this error in Drupal 8 log:

Referrer /admin/commerce/orders/162/payments/59/operation/capture
Nachricht @"name":"RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND","message":"The specified resource does not exist.","debug_id":"XXXXXXXXX","details":[{"issue":"INVALID_RESOURCE_ID","description":"Specified resource ID does not exist. Please check the resource ID and try again."],"links":[@"href":"","rel":"information_link"]}

In Paypal Developers Console:

HTTP status URL PayPal debug ID API call date
! /v2/payments/authorizations/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/reauthorize XXXXXXXXXXXXX 12 Apr 2021 23:24:55

In Paypal Payment Status is "completed"

I want to update the order status in Commerce and also book the payment when clicking "Capture".

I really need help. I understand what is happening in SDK when capturing the payment but cant figure out
where the problem is. Thank you very much in Advance!!!

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PayPal Checkout

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