Keyword filter: variable executed as function, security issue?

Created on 23 November 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 13 October 2024, 5 months ago


In the method match() a variable is executed as function:

   * Determines whether we get a keyword filter match.
  protected function match($match_func, $field, array $word_list) {
    foreach ($word_list as $word) {
      if ($match_func == "matchRegex") {
        if ($this->$match_func($field, $word) !== FALSE) {
          return TRUE;
      elseif ($match_func($field, $word) !== FALSE) {
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

I'm not sure, but I think this could be a security issue. The function to call can be changed in the config YML file:

        words: ''
        word_boundaries: false
        exact: false
        case_sensitive: false
        invert: false
          - ''
        regex: false
        function: mb_stripos
        plugin: keyword_filter
        source: titel
        weight: 1
        label: 'Keyword filter'
        uuid: 34cc0f9f-516e-4f63-8dd5-8e204bc7bc4b

See function: mb_stripos

Looking at the code, I think there's no need to save the function to call. The function to call is now determined in ::validateConfigurationForm():

$setting_function = 'matchRegex';
elseif (!$word_boundaries && $case_sensitive) {
  $setting_function = $is_multibyte ? 'mb_strpos' : 'strpos';
elseif (!$word_boundaries && !$case_sensitive) {
  $setting_function = $is_multibyte ? 'mb_stripos' : 'stripos';

I think this check can also be done in ::tamper().

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

Remove the configuration for "function" and determine which function to call in ::tamper().

Perhaps a switch statement can be used in ::tamper()? Something like this:

switch (TRUE) {
  case !$word_boundaries && $case_sensitive && $is_multibyte:
    if (mb_strpos($field, $word) !== FALSE) {
      return TRUE;

Remaining tasks

  1. Remove configuration for "function" (in KeywordFilter.php and in the config schema).
  2. Remove setting function from ::validateConfigurationForm()
  3. Determine which function to call in ::tamper()

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Other issues for this plugin:
#3184133: Warning: mb_stripos(): Empty delimiter in Drupal\tamper\Plugin\Tamper\KeywordFilter->match() (line 234 of /var/www/html/modules/tamper/src/Plugin/Tamper/KeywordFilter.php)
#3184182: Keyword filter: place plugin in "filter" category

🐛 Bug report






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🇳🇱Netherlands megachriz

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