Organise Drupaljam 2020 re:Boot

Created on 17 November 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 17 April 2023, almost 2 years ago

We'd like to credit the Drupaljam 2020 re:Boot team for an amazing job in a very short time organizing an online event. An online first for Drupaljam with the following statistics:

Drupaljam 2020 re:Boot was organised by a team of 6 volunteers
It was organised in 9 weeks
A total of 551 tickets were registered
People from 39 countries registered their ticket
83% of the registered tickets attended the event
30 sessions were attended by 423 attendees

The re:Boot team:
Eric Mulder, Carole Grootenboer, Bert Boerland, Floris van Geel, Imre Gmelig Meijling, Jean-Paul Vosmeer

Please comment below if you were involved as crew member or volunteer!

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Created by

🇳🇱Netherlands jean-paul vosmeer

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