Not displaying when view has Contextual Filters

Created on 1 August 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 18 December 2024, 3 months ago


I'm not sure if this issue should be a bug report, feature request or support request.

I've created a view with a contextual filter which doesn't display in a ViewField. The view does work on the nodes when placed as a block but this isn't the desired outcome.

Steps to reproduce

Create a working view that displays results. Then add a contextual filter using the Provide default value type Raw value from URL the Path component's value set to 2

Test the contextual filter by entering a node ID in the View Preview's Preview with contextual filters input field to make sure the data is only relevant to the node ID in its results.

Once you have data in the view preview then add a viewfield to whichever content type you want to display the view in and configure accordingly.

Then go to the node of the ID that had results in the View Preview and the ViewField will not appear at all. There's no label or anything.

🐛 Bug report

Needs review



Created by

🇦🇺Australia the_glitch

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  • 🇩🇪Germany u.kurilla

    I can confirm, that #4 solves the problem of displaying the viewfield on a Drupal 10.3.6.
    However, in my case there is still a problem of displaying a full list of entitiy references, which i want to display in a content type field. It just displays one line. Maybe is a better solution for my use case? I will check...

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