- 🇺🇸United States brad.bulger
Is this any more or less feasible now in Group 3 and beyond? I didn't see any reference to group_content or group_relationship in any of the "make group revisionable" issues, but there are many of them, I may have missed it.
- 🇧🇪Belgium kristiaanvandeneynde Antwerp, Belgium
Group relationship entities are not revisionable because of the risk involving memberships and more specifically the roles field. Users are also not revisionable (see #540118: Add revision support to users → ).
I can see how people might want to have these relationships support revisions, but it would be a large undertaking to properly analyze the risks involved and how we would support revisions on some bundles (aka plugins) and not others.
- 🇦🇹Austria jordik
If the requirement is only to keep track of the relationship and changes of the fields attached to it (such as Roles) and NOT to be able to revert to a previous revision of the group relationship - there is a contrib module, which does the tracking according to your specs - Entity Log → .
I have some custom fields on the group membership, which I wanted to keep a history for and the Entity Log helped me with this. After installing the module you need to select the type of entity - in this case Group relationship / Group Membership. Select the fields you want to track the changes for and check Log in Entity Log entity. This will save every change of the fields you selected into a dedicated table. You can then create views based on Entity Logs and customize them to view the changes.
When the user is removed from the group the membership relationship gets deleted, but the history of field changes remains. I guess with some additional code the user ID (not the relationship ID) can be added to the entity log to keep the history even if the group relationship is deleted.
Hope this helps.
- Status changed to Needs review
7 months ago 9:47pm 4 August 2024