embedded videos right or left aligned don't show up

Created on 14 January 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 19 January 2023, over 1 year ago

I'm embedding an external video using CKeditor and the 'insert from media library button'. If the video has no aligned or centre alignment it is visible once saved. If left or right-align it is not seen. In varbase_media the file
varbase_media/config/optional/core.entity_view_display.media.video.small.yml specifies a height and width which is correctly applied to the iframe tag by varbase_media/config/optional/core.entity_view_display.media.video.small.yml lines 59 and 60 (if I am correct). But using inspect in Chrome, the parent div tag has a computed size of 0 x 0 which means the video is not seen. I suggest a solution of also applying the height and width to the parent tag or adding a new class so the size can be modified. The class option would mean line 102 of varbase_media/config/optional/core.entity_view_display.media.video.small.yml would include a new class, eg varbase-video-small along with the other current classes: varbase-video-player embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9

Actually there is an easier way. Simply add the following to varbase_media/scss/varbase_media.common_logged.scss:

.media--type-video-embed.media--view-mode-small .varbase-video-player {
  height: 225px;
  width: 300px;

This could be repeated for other sizes, eg medium etc. The other advantage of this solution is a subtheme can set the size through sass.

🐛 Bug report

Closed: outdated





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🇦🇺Australia rjzaar

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