Excerpt not being generated where results match word stem

Created on 12 October 2019, over 4 years ago
Updated 6 July 2023, 12 months ago

If you have content that contains "account" and you search for "accounts", results are returned but no excerpt is generated.

Drupal core 8.7.8 and Search API module only.

I think the issue might be at #385 of highlight.php:
$keys = $query->getOriginalKeys();

This returnes the entered keywords without any processing.

Parsed keys are available from $query, and in the above example seems to provide the stem.

I don;t know if its a case of just changing the above line to call in the ParsedKeys? I tried changing the line to $keys = $query->getParsedKeys();, but that didn't work :(

πŸ› Bug report

Needs review





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