- 🇨🇦Canada wuinfo - bill wu
You might choose the wrong index when creating the view. We should choose the search index from the search_api module.
I create a view with external datas from an ES index (views,search api,elasticsearch connector modules)
The contents aren't indexed from the local database.
In the Facets settings page (/admin/config/search/facets) I can't create any facets, because the view isn't identified as a source :
You currently have no facet sources defined. You should start by adding a facet source before creating facets.
An example of a facet source is a view based on Search API or a Search API page. Other modules can also implement a facet source by providing a plugin that implements the FacetSourcePluginInterface.
How can I define my view as source for create facets?
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
You might choose the wrong index when creating the view. We should choose the search index from the search_api module.