Multiple select element is inappropriately targeted with CSS in settings tray

Created on 11 September 2019, over 5 years ago
Updated 30 January 2023, about 2 years ago


In #2826722: Add a 'fence' around settings tray with aggressive CSS reset. β†’ , insufficient testing resulted in multiple select elements being styled in an unusable manner. There are two parts: 1) the option items overspill the <select> element and 2) the color and background color of the <option> elements need reset to their initial values. The first part was addressed in #3043467: Multi-select list items "escape" bounding box in Off-Canvas Forms when using WebKit and Mozilla based browsers β†’ . (Note: this commit is first available in 8.8.1.)

This issue has been re-scoped to address the second issue.

How it currently appears:

How it should appear:

Original summary

In #2826722: Add a 'fence' around settings tray with aggressive CSS reset. β†’ , insufficient testing resulted in multiple select elements being styled in an unusable manner:

Proposed resolution

Update 'core/themes/stable/css/core/dialog/off-canvas.form.css' and 'core/misc/dialog/off-canvas.form.css' as follows:

  #drupal-off-canvas select:not([multiple]) {
    -webkit-appearance: menulist;
    -moz-appearance: menulist;
+ #drupal-off-canvas select[multiple] option {
+   color: initial;
+   background: initial;
+ }
  #drupal-off-canvas option {
    display: block;
    font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "liberation sans", sans-serif;

Remaining tasks

  • Submit updated patch
  • Community review
  • Commit

User interface changes

Multiple select elements rendered in the settings tray will be styled in a useable manner.

API changes


Data model changes


Release notes snippet


πŸ› Bug report

Needs work


10.1 ✨

Settings trayΒ  β†’

Last updated about 7 hours ago

  • Maintained by
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @tedbow
Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States Chris Burge

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  • Needs usability review

    Used to alert the usability topic maintainer(s) that an issue significantly affects (or has the potential to affect) the usability of Drupal, and their signoff is needed. When adding this tag, make it easy to review the issue. Make sure the issue summary describes the problem and the proposed solution. Screenshots usually help a lot! To get sign-off on issues with the "Needs usability review" tag, post about them in the #ux channel on Drupal Slack, and/or attend a UX meeting to demo the patch and get direct feedback from designers/UX folks/product management on next steps. If an issue represents a significant new feature, UI change, or change to the general "user experience" of Drupal, use Needs product manager review instead. See the scope of responsibilities for product managers.

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  • The Needs Review Queue Bot β†’ tested this issue. It either no longer applies to Drupal core, or fails the Drupal core commit checks. Therefore, this issue status is now "Needs work".

    Apart from a re-roll or rebase, this issue may need more work to address feedback in the issue or MR comments. To progress an issue, incorporate this feedback as part of the process of updating the issue. This helps other contributors to know what is outstanding.

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