- 🇫🇷France O'Briat Nantes
I'm using the memcached php module, this client should provide server failure (https://www.php.net/manual/en/memcached.constants.php#memcached.constant...), so if a server is no more available the sharding method is updated and missing keys (previously allocated to the missing server) should be recreated on servers still available.
The performance loss should be punctual and inferior to a single
drush cr
But it doesn't seems to be the case: I tested it, I shutdowned one server (on two) and all performances were falling down. Everything returned to normal once the server was back online.
Am I missing something?
Also I don't get the point of using multiple bins and allocated them on specific memcached server/cluster. It looks like micro optimization, the eventual use cases should be better documented.