- 🇧🇪Belgium Seppe Beelprez
Together with Pathauto, if you still save the translated node after the original node is saved, the url alias is being generated as well:
$node->save(); $node_translation->save();
Hi, I need help with the following: I have two languages: en and fr.
I have a node with fields that are translatable, including an image field, for which the target_id is untranslatable, but alt and title are translatable.
With the following code:
$node = Node::create(['type' => 'my_type', 'title' => 'My title', 'langcode' => 'en', 'status' => 1, 'uid' => 1]);
$node->field_image->appendItem(['target_id' => $fid, 'alt' => 'My title']);
$node_t = $node->addTranslation('fr', ['title' => 'Mon titre']);
$node_t->field_image->alt = 'Mon titre';
I get the following error on save:
[error] InvalidArgumentException: Invalid translation language (und) specified. in Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase->getTranslation() (line 873 of /data/sites/web/belvenbe1907/dev/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityBase.php).
In SqlContentEntityStorage.php line 847:
Invalid translation language (und) specified.
In ContentEntityBase.php line 873:
Invalid translation language (und) specified.
I tried several things - one more convoluted than the next, based on what I could I find online, but this seems unsolvable.
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Together with Pathauto, if you still save the translated node after the original node is saved, the url alias is being generated as well: