I created a background image field on my node type. I gave it a default image. I also gave it default css settings and a default css class selector (".contentheader").
I created a block view for that node type (contextual, based on content ID) and gave it a class of "contentheader". I added the fields "Title" and "Background Image".
I added that views block to the top of the page for that node type.
I am seeing the title field in the view, but the div with class "contentheader" is not displaying the background image. I have cleared cache, but that did not help.
My settings for the Background Image field in the View are as follows:
Column used for click sorting: target_id
Formatter: Background Image Field Widget
Responsive image style: Background Image (the name I gave to that image style)
What are the additional steps that I need to take to make the image show up as expected?
Here is a SimplyTestMe that shows the issue: https://drwzz.ply.st/user/login
username/password: admin
Link to page that should show a background image, but doesn't: https://drwzz.ply.st/node/1
Closed: outdated
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.