- 🇱🇹Lithuania vibrasphere
Ran into this problem because of PHP 8.1 issues with autoload → , dblog spams some error on any page load, could not find any solution or patch so decided to try alternatives.
- Disable autoload. It causes to disable following modules
blazy, blazy_ui, slick, slick_fields, slick_extras, slick_views, slick_example, slick_ui
- Enable
xautoload →
, but you can only enable
blazy, blazy_ui
, you cannot enable slick → , it throws errors:
WD php: Error: Class 'Drupal\slick\SlickManager' not found in slick() (line 28 of /htdocs/sites/all/modules/slick/slick.module). [error] Error: Class 'Drupal\slick\SlickManager' not found in slick() (line 28 of /htdocs/sites/all/modules/slick/slick.module).
- Completely disable and uninstall both autoload and xautoload, enable
registry_autoload →
latest dev version, as of this post it is
7.x-1.x-dev 2023-Feb-28
version. - Try to rebuild registry, both with
drush rr
and using registry_rebuild. Don't forget to clear cachesdrush cc all
. - Attempt
drush en blazy, blazy_ui, slick, slick_fields, slick_extras, slick_views, slick_example, slick_ui
. All modules install no errors.
There's also another autoloader module that is not documented, but is listed when trying to enable blazy with drush psr0 → .
- Disable autoload. It causes to disable following modules