Add warning for mismatched UUID (when config is being deleted because of a UUID mismatch)

Created on 25 March 2019, almost 6 years ago
Updated 22 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

In working on upgrading the Lightning distro where it makes the migration from using Workbench to using Configuration Moderation using the wbm2cm module I ran into a situation where I was the cause of the issue but it took some time to realize it because the Exception message, although giving me some information that eventually help me track down the issue, it made me scratch my head at first.

For the wbm2cm the migration needed to be run on the live server. I then did this on the development server so I could commit and then deploy to the updated code to the live server and get all the environments on the same code base. This is where I ran in to the exception message:

The import failed due to the following reasons:
The workflow Workflow 1 is being used, and cannot be deleted.

This was the head scratcher as I was not deleting the Workflow 1 configuration to my knowledge. I checked the drush cim output to find that first the Workflow 1 configuration was being created then deleted!?

Workflow 1 is workflows.workflow.00c7e3ae in the output that follows.

 | Collection  | Config                                                                      | Operation |
 |             | workflows.workflow.00c7e3ae                                                 | Create    |   <==========
 |             | workflows.workflow.editorial                                                | Create    |
 |             | search_api.index.content                                                    | Update    |
 |             | user.role.artikel_creator                                                   | Update    |
 |             | user.role.artikel_reviewer                                                  | Update    |
 |             | user.role.editor                                                            | Update    |
 |             | user.role.jssor_slider_creator                                              | Update    |
 |             | user.role.jssor_slider_reviewer                                             | Update    |
 |             | user.role.page_creator                                                      | Update    |
 |             | user.role.page_reviewer                                                     | Update    |
 |             | user.role.veranstaltung_creator                                             | Update    |
 |             | user.role.veranstaltung_reviewer                                            | Update    |
 |             | views.view.moderation_history                                               | Update    |
 |             |                                                     | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.duplikat_anmeldung_zamzam_kurs_2                            | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.kontakt_dupl_27_06_17                                       | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.spenden                                                     | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_user_profile                                       | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_subscribe                                          | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_session_evaluation                                 | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_registration                                       | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_job_seeker_profile                                 | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_job_application                                    | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_feedback                                           | Update    |
 |             | webform.webform.template_contact                                            | Update    |
 |             | shield.settings                                                             | Update    |
 |             | workflows.workflow.editorial                                                | Delete    |
 |             | workflows.workflow.00c7e3ae                                                 | Delete    |  <==========
 |             | views.view.workbench_recent_content                                         | Delete    |
 |             | views.view.workbench_edited                                                 | Delete    |
 | language.en | workflows.workflow.00c7e3ae                                                 | Create    |
 | language.en | workflows.workflow.editorial                                                | Update    |
 | language.en | webform.webform.zamzam_kurs_2019_2020                                       | Delete    |
 | language.en | views.view.workbench_recent_content                                         | Delete    |
 | language.en | views.view.workbench_edited                                                 | Delete    |
 | language.en | scheduled_updates.scheduled_update_type.node_embargo                        | Delete    |
 | language.en | scheduled_updates.scheduled_update_type.multiple_node_embargo               | Delete    |
 | language.en | media.type.image                                                            | Delete    |
 | language.en | field.field.scheduled_update.node_embargo.field_moderation_state            | Delete    |
 | language.en | field.field.scheduled_update.multiple_node_embargo.field_moderation_state_1 | Delete    |
 | language.en | field.field.scheduled_update.multiple_node_embargo.field_moderation_state   | Delete    |
 | | media.type.image                                                            | Delete    |

I eventually remembered the UUIDs and thought that it might have something to do with that. Sure enough because the migration was run on two different environments, the UUIDs were the only thing different about the configuration on the live and development environments.

This feature request is to add a warning message when configuration is being deleted because the UUIDs do not match. This would have been very helpful in my situation and helped me to sooner see the error of my ways and saved some time in troubleshooting.

Thanks in advance for considering this feature request!

Feature request

Closed: outdated





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🇺🇸United States frederickjh The Big Island of Hawai'i

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