- First commit to issue fork.
Could be related to https://www.drupal.org/project/config_split/issues/3003108#comment-12959107 β as arakwar appears to be seeing the same behavior.
His comment is:
I do not know if it's related, but in my setup (Drupal8/Drush9), "cex" fails to use config_split settings while "csex" use them properly.
To me, it feels like config_split doesn't hook properly on "cex" in Drush9 anymore. Since "csex" works we just stopped using the "cex" command for now.
My situation on Drush on 9.5.2:
* Set up splits and other items that can't go in the .env file.
switch ($env) {
$config['config_split.config_split.local']['status'] = TRUE;
$config['config_split.config_split.dev']['status'] = TRUE;
$config['config_split.config_split.stage']['status'] = TRUE;
case ENV_PROD:
$config['config_split.config_split.prod']['status'] = TRUE;
Five splits: Local (for development), Dev (hosted), Stage (hosted), Prod (hosted), From_prod (if changes are made on prod by content team).
I'm performing this on a development machine, which has only the Local split active; all others are inactive.
I chose the modules that are to be active in each split and saved them. I note that the README says the following:
"You should only edit active splits as inactive splits will not take effect when exporting the configuration."
Case 1: With everything inactive except for the local split, I run 'drush cex.'
Expected Result: This should export the Config Split configuration and the config for the Local split because only the Local split is active.
Actual Result: The Config Split config is exported to the sync directory and nothing else. Note that the documentation says this should work in Drush 9.
Case 2: I enable all splits via the UI because of the README instruction. The status shows "inactive (overwritten)" for Dev, Stage and Prod. Local and From_prod show as active. I run 'drush cex.'
Expected Result: The Config Split configuration and the config for all splits should be exported since I have enabled all the splits via the UI.
Actual Result: Config Split configuration is exported but nothing else.
Case 3: Disable all the splits again except for the Local split. Run 'drush csex dev.'
Expected Result: Split configuration is exported to the Dev split.
Actual result: I'm asked:
The following directories will be purged and used for exporting configuration:
Export the configuration? (yes/no) [yes]:
When I respond with yes, the configuration is written to the Dev split; no Config Split configuration is written to sync (as expected).
It appears that with Config Split 1.4 and Drush 9.5.2, the following is true:
My understanding from the documentation is that 'drush cex' should perform both items above when the split has been activated in the UI.
Thus, this appears to be a bug. The workaround is to use 'drush cex' followed by 'drush csex ' for each split.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.