Request for new Block on dashboard: Active/recent patch tests

Created on 12 February 2019, about 6 years ago
Updated 7 January 2025, 2 months ago

Could we have a new block that can be added to the user Dashboard to display active or recently-completed patch CI tests (obvs those started by the dashboard's owner), so it is easier to see what is still pending / being run / has completed? I'm thinking of a list similar to the existing Your Issues one.


When I'm using the Drupal Issue lists I often interact with multiple projects and multiple issues per project, sometimes as maintainer. On some occasions I behave as project manager, curating issues, requesting feedback, and crucially in this case retesting issues where previous tests are old and stale, haven't been run on the right test setup, or have failed for no apparent reason (?testbot failure).

Not infrequently, I don't get around to rechecking the tests I have asked for, which isn't necessarily a problem (the test was useful in the sense it is now not stale) but it would of course be better to do so. However, there is no simple way for me to locate issues I have requested tests for after the event, unless I make manual notes of them. So:
Proposed resolution

It would be very helpful for me to have a block on Dashboard that shows the (most recent N) tests I have caused the testbot to run, in date order and with the project, issue and CI links clickable in the item. Rounding out the item details would be an indication (queued/running/pass/fail) of test status, with colour coding. Also some sort of disambiguation for multiple tests on same patch with different test config.

[When I say "caused" I include both where I have explicitly clicked on Add test and when I have uploaded a patch that caused a test to be run.]

There are some variants of this:

- A block that lists (same way) all tests run for a specific project (being configured as for the existing project block). I don't think it is appropriate to actually add the list to the project block because the block is already quite big. Possibly just the most recent test run could be added, or a link to a page-based list?

- A CI column in the issues list which if a patch file has been uploaded, and where one has, indicates the test status of the most recent patch.
Remaining tasks
User interface changes

- New dashboard block(s)

- Possibly, new page navigable from dashboard for a 'more' link.

✨ Feature request

Closed: outdated




User interface

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom rivimey

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