Stop logging errors when a file does not exist

Created on 5 February 2019, about 6 years ago
Updated 26 February 2023, almost 2 years ago

I have seen a large amount of errors like this during a file migration:

 [error]  File at 'public://some-path/some-file.jpg' does not exist (plugin: imagemagick_identify) (method: loadMetadataFromFile) 

I discovered that, while the GD library does not log an error if an image is not found, this module does. In Drupal to Drupal migrations with a large amount of files it is sometimes better to migrate the database and then rsync the files from the source to the destination. This means that there are no files in the file system during the migration which causes that if this module is enabled and set as the image toolkit, then every image being processed will throw an error.

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🇪🇸Spain juampynr

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