Reference to non-existing library ivw_integration/ivw_call

Created on 4 October 2018, over 6 years ago
Updated 15 October 2024, 5 months ago

I am doing a quick review of the module and one the first things I noticed is that there is no ivw_integration.libraries.yml

but there seems to be a reference to a library in the function ivw_integration_page_attachments

  $page['#attached']['library'][] = 'ivw_integration/ivw_call';

Can you clarify why that line exists?

In general I think it will be better to use the Drupal libraries mechanism for the whole module that is intended to add JS to the page. Using a block seems a bit weird.

Maybe the google analytics module is a good example on how to achieve such a thing.

Have you considered refactoring the code to use Drupal libraries?

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πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈSpain rodrigoaguilera Barcelona

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